Helene Honduras

Helene Honduras
Northside Palm

Friday, March 31, 2006

Hi all, well I managed to get these up online, so hopefully this will be a continuing trend! I had not figured out how one can comment online, just that it is possible...will let you know when I know!

Here is a picture of the HEC (Helene Education Center) It is taken from the path looking south (towards Honduras)
This is of the main "clinic" from the path, that is what the mission building is called. My room is on the upper floor, to the left. The 2 smaller buildings in front are cabins for visitors.
Here is a pic of the main medical clinic treatment room. The entrance to this is on the lower floor on left side of the main clinic.
Here is one of the two smaller classrooms, the one closer to the water is almost done, just some finishing touches and it can open for kids!
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Monday, March 27, 2006

Esslin and friend, 15 year old stand-in mom to her siblingsDemarius, the 8 year old sister
Zack, Esslin's little brother, at the door of their home Toshiba! Best watch dog, security guard, companion, trail guide we could ask for! Posted by Picasa
Here's my room, from the doorway. Not all decorated yet, but on the way'Bathing in the sea' with some island kids, about 20, actually!Rays off a full moon just at sunset, what an amazing sight! WHY??

One of the 5 scorpions we found over just a two week period!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hello to my friends and family,
Thanks so much for taking the time to view my new blog page. This is a completely new experience for me, but I hope that it will give you an opportunity to see photos from here, to comment directly and ask questions that may come up directly. I have to get just the right satellite connection to get the pictures uploaded, and from what others have been able to do today, this is the day! I pray that this new (for me!) way of communicating and sharing is a blessing to you and I both! I love to have the chance to share pic's and people with you! So here we go.....