Deirdre's thoughts, pictures, prayer requests and intercommunications to and from the beautiful island of Helene, Honduras.
Helene Honduras
Northside Palm
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Some pictures from around the island...
Just visiting with the girls.... small restaurant in Seco Miss Cynthia's store and restaurant on Northside During school recess: Trisiana, Celene, Trisia, Jesse, Kira
Bringing John B. home
John had to lay down to have any hope of being comfortable for long. Here we managed to get him into a double seat on the airplane. I sat across the aisle so that he could stretch his legs across, and I could hold his feet is necessary. Also the airline staff wanted me right there in case he needed more pain meds. He did well, slept part of the way even. We managed to get a van going from Roatan airport to Oakridge so he could lay down again, he was exhausted and medicated enough to sleep much of the way. We had been really worried about he boat trip to Helene, but with the gurney pad on top of the stretcher, he said he was actually more comfortable than he'd been in many weeks. Greg took it very slow and easy, taking about twice the amount of time as usual for the trip. A few days after arriving home I took Mom and Dave over to meet him and visit for a short time. Mary and Daisha got in the picture also. In this bed is where John most likely will spend the majority of his last days.
Some pictures from Mom and Dave's visit here
Here they are standing with Willis in front of his house, Willis is great with planting and landscaping
A shot of me and Mr James on his steps, he was just getting over having chicken pox for the first time! Mom and me as we were walking thru Bentley Bay, we were just drenched by a really big downpour! So the laundry there was just getting a "second rinse". Dave's birthday was just 2 days after they left here, so I made cake for 30 people, and surprised him with it! He was thrilled, even made a speech holding a metal spatula as a microphone
Mom and Dave with the islanders, and stuff
Here they are in the boat returning to Helene after our 3 days in West End, they both really enjoyed the boat ride, despite getting wet and windy
Here's Mom with 5 day old Trenia, Kiara's new baby girl born 6/13 ...and now mama and baby! she said all she wants to do all day is watch her baby girl sleep and eat. I held her next... she christened me just before I went to the Sunday evening church service - but baby pee doesn't stink, right? This was the group at Northside Church of God that evening, but many of the islanders got away before the picture was taken.
Some pics from our Roatan trip
This monkey lives at the hotel we stayed at, for some reason he really took to me, and would come running over any time I went by (no comments from the peanut gallery please!)
Mom, Dave and Fiona at Anthony's Key Resort, where you can swim with the dolphins, what amazing creatures they are! So smart and friendly! This was taken on the front porch of our room, it was a great jungle-like setting, you could hear parrots from a nearby cage all day, too. The beach across the street was beautiful, called Half Moon Bay in West End. We were able to swim out and snorkle right off the beach, too.
Some pictures from Nanci (Mom) and Dave's trip to Helene June '06
Here's their arrival boatride in, we had the pleasure of Ensmore driving us home on Wally and Suzie's skiff after we spent a couple hours visiting them in their beautiful home on Roatan
They arrived at a really crazy time, right before the big hog and fish fry the clinic was doing for the island. The team here had been working furiously all day to pull this off, we 3 plus Camas got to just walk up and enjoy the feast (almost) But Mom and Dave had been up for around 36 hours, so it was pretty overwhelming for them. We went visiting up to the Northside community on the day of my home visits there, so we stopped and chatted with Heather, Saroli and Zanoli (in the doorway) while Heather was doing her daughter Jadari's hair Just couldn't resist this shot of Dave in front of Miss Betty's house with her grandkids hanging out the window and in the doorway.
I have been a RN since 1988 from Puyallup WA. In Sept/Oct of '05, I was called to Helene as a medical missionary. Now I have been called back for an extended period of time from Feb 06 to only He knows how long. Where I may go from here is yet to be announced from my Jesus! So enjoy a look into this season of my life on a remote, tiny island in the Caribbean!