Helene Honduras

Helene Honduras
Northside Palm

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bringing John B. home
John had to lay down to have any hope of being comfortable for long. Here we managed to get him into a double seat on the airplane. I sat across the aisle so that he could stretch his legs across, and I could hold his feet is necessary. Also the airline staff wanted me right there in case he needed more pain meds. He did well, slept part of the way even.
We managed to get a van going from Roatan airport to Oakridge so he could lay down again, he was exhausted and medicated enough to sleep much of the way.
We had been really worried about he boat trip to Helene, but with the gurney pad on top of the stretcher, he said he was actually more comfortable than he'd been in many weeks. Greg took it very slow and easy, taking about twice the amount of time as usual for the trip.
Posted by PicasaA few days after arriving home I took Mom and Dave over to meet him and visit for a short time. Mary and Daisha got in the picture also. In this bed is where John most likely will spend the majority of his last days.

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