Here he is! Isn't he just the cutest boy??! We hiked up to the cross after he helped me hang some laundry. I brought 2 'boom-booms' for us to eat at the top. Loved the conversations we had about Jesus and heaven on the way up. Such simple wisdom from the mouths of our children!
Here is a shot of me and Miss Nella. She lives in the pond, in a tiny 3 room shack with her husband. She is one interesting lady to talk to, and can surely get off on some strange tangents in conversations! Last time it was all about how God wants us to "mix the blood of the nations", and that the problems occur when blood remains too pure. In other words, one can be 'too white or black'. When I said that God loves everyone, and created each one perfectly in His image, she agreed, but still said that He never meant for us to keep to our own race so much. I shook my head and told her I don't believe any of that, that skin color is just a shallow covering, she just laughed and said I was a 'good girl'.
On market day someone found this beetle under our deck and brought it up. I'd never seen anything like it - so don't you know I had to pick it up!! Got lots of 'ewwww's' from the girls. It crawled up my arm so I had to keep it from getting too close. Its feet were like little hooks, but it didn't bite or anything. It had wings, but didn't fly away. It was about 4" long.
YUP! I'm in a 3rd world country alright...see his gun? He was just directing traffic in Coxen Hole, which is the big city of Roatan. Sorry about the lack of clarity, it was taken thru the bus window.
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