I went with several of the Helene team to a futbol (soccer in the States) game at Diamond Rock on Roatan. I was the official medical person there, it seems otherwise, there usually isn't anyone there in that capacity. Amazingly, this day there were no injuries or incidents, despite both teams playing for hours in 85-90 degree heat!
Marvin (left) and Ewings (right) getting some water on a much needed break during a period intermission.
Marvie and Ewings work closely with us here at the clinic. Marvie works with Clean Sweep, which is a program that travels the island path, cleaning up garbage and burning it, cleaning the beaches, and doing minor repairs on the bridges. Ewings works with us as a Clinic Assistant, he starts and helps maintain the generator, collects and burns the garbage, drives our boat, and generally assists wherever needed under the direction of Joe and Camas. Both a greatly involved in Bible studies and individual discipling.
This is the younger team taking a victory lap after winning 3-2!
The older guys, after receiving new "suits" from a generous donation from friends from America. This boosts their morale greatly!
Futbol is definately the most important sport here in Honduras, as well as much of the world over. Kids start playing almost as soon as they learn to walk, and it is played year round. It is just about the only organized sport I see them play, with the possible exception of basketball, which I believe the gringo's brought to Helene.
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