We did a medical outreach in each of the 4 communities served by the Savannah Bight clinic, when they heard we were coming they started lining up early, then we would see just about everyone that lived there!
Here we are coming into NW Bight, accessible this day only by boat because the road was again washed out by the rain. It was a rough ride around the east end of Guanaja to get there, with waves as high as 8' in our 20' boat! There is only a few ways into the shore because it is so shallow as you come onto the beach.
We set up the clinic is someone's home, there are only about 10 homes in this small village, but we still were there 2 hours to see everyone.
This was quite a poor community, the people were very appreciative of our visit to them. The have the hardest time accessing the SB clinic.
This was quite a unique home style, 5 people live in this tiny A-frame