The next day we headed to Bresa de Mitch, a village built along an old air strip. We all piled onto this flatbed that doubles as a taxi and transport vehicle. Fortunately, it was a nice sunny day! Different laws than in the states, huh? Can you see the big ticket we'd get in the US??
This babe was, believe it or not, 2 months old. The mother had been given IM antibiotics her entire pregnancy as treatment for migrane headaches.... what??!! So babe was born with liver damage prematurely.
In this community, very few spoke English, so Joe, Elana and Silvia all doubled as interpretors in addition to the medical aspect. It really slowed the process down, but I did learn more Spanish, including writing prescriptions in Spanish. Gotta go to language school!
Probably to most common form of transportation on the island, besides walking. One islander said that the roads are getting 'crowded with cars'. I asked how many cars are on the island now, the answer was "15".
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