More on the Procedure Room saga, finally getting done! Here is Camas with a team finishing the interior work so the finish work could start. It was very hot in there, thus had to be insulated.
Painting was not as fun as it looked! Besides being a sweatbox, the Honduran paint is terrible, it took 3-4 coats to cover the cement board. All the wood trim is made piece by piece, from a 1 X 6 board, then cut, planed, routered, sanded and stained - really makes one appreciate Home Depot!
But the finished product is a small, but usable temporary clinic, where we'll be until the main clinic remodel is done. Here is Alisa, with our 2 new receptionists in training, Saroli and Shamari.
And so now the old clinic has been torn apart (scraping the linoleum and glue up was a very tedious 3 day job!) and the changes have begun. We'll have 2 much larger rooms, and the reception area is going to be out on the porch, which will be enclosed and floored. The cabinets are being rebuilt, wiring redone, new tile floors put in, new shelves in the pharmacy.... it will be wonderful! Much of this is done thanks to financial support from friends like you who believe in what we're doing in Helene!
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