Helene Honduras

Helene Honduras
Northside Palm

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dr Bob, DDS

For the last 10 days we've had a dentist here from the states, in fact, from my home state! He was my dentist when I was a child, so there has been great fun in catching up and discussing issues of my childhood, when I went to school with 2 of his children. But that isn't the point in bringing him up. It has been a much busier time for me, as I've had all the regular duties on my plate, plus I have been helping him out in the dental clinic every afternoon. I have had a good time; as I enjoy learning new techniques, and seeing a real pro at work! He is kindly and gentle, in addition to being very talented, too! We've pulled out so many teeth, filled just as many, he's shown me ways to get out the wisdom teeth, entrapped baby teeth, and teeth that have so rotted that there is just the shell of a tooth remaining (those are the really tricky ones!) He also has done dental work for all the staff here, including me. I have needed a crown after a root canal done 15 years ago, but never had dental insurance and was too cheap to spend the money on myself. So he whittled the tooth down, took impressions, and then put on a temporary stainless steel crown. Now he'll go back to WA and make me a nice one, and send it down with the next dentist in June so he can put it on! What a great deal! And I just had to pay the same amount as the islanders, L50 (about $2.50) – can't beat that with a bamboo stick!

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