Helene Honduras

Helene Honduras
Northside Palm

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday evening in Helene. Well, there's YP (Youth Program) at the Methodist Church next door, for the first time in months - so that is a great thing! Today our Bible Study "took it to the streets" by starting our new ministry of visiting unbelievers homes, instead of just meeting with other sisters. (or as the island ladies say, we were "visiting the sinners" - yeah, like that doesn't include every one of us!) Bonnie was very grateful for our visit, even though she hadn't been warned beforehand and was in the midst of cooking when we arrived. She was working up to send us away until a better time when Miss Leolin said "Bonnie, when Jesus comes knocking at your door, you can't send Him away, you've got to stop and hear what He has to say thru us!" Her 8 year old son got in on it, too, by saying "Ma, it's only fried chicken! I guess saying that it is pretty unimportant compared to having a talk about Jesus! Sweet kid, he got the job done, and we had a great hour sharing from the Word and our hearts! I am looking forward to this new way of doing things, God is so wonderful and sure is keeping me on my toes and challenged!

1 comment:

Traci said...

Oh that makes this day that much better! I was praying lots for you this Tuesday! Wishing I'd had the opportunity to make it the week before! LOVE this story, and looking forward to all God does with this new adventure!!